St. Matthew’s is a people called into community by Christ in the Eucharistic liturgy. United in our Catholic faith, we seek to love one another as Christ has loved us (Jn13:34), through service, teaching, witness and sacrifice.

Time & Talent


Please complete 1 form per individual in the family.

Please sign up for each ministry that you are interested in, as well as those in which you are currently involved. If you check a ministry you will be notified by the leader of each ministry. Information in parentheses indicate the areas included in each item. Return form in the basket or to the Family Life Center.

*Important Notice*

St. Matthew’s complies with the following Diocese of Cheyenne requirements for volunteers working with children, youth or vulnerable adults.

Volunteers will be required to complete and pass a background check through the Diocese of Cheyenne.

Additional Skills and Talents


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