St. Matthew’s is a people called into community by Christ in the Eucharistic liturgy. United in our Catholic faith, we seek to love one another as Christ has loved us (Jn13:34), through service, teaching, witness and sacrifice.




St. Matthew’s Catholic Community    

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

Meetings are held the first Monday of the month in the Parish Hall at 1:00 p.m. throughout the school year.

St. Matthew's leader contacts: Kate Heying at 689-0836 & Suzi Ekberg 689-0588


Who are we?                                                                                                           

        ALL women in the parish


What is our mission?

        To support, empower and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Council programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of church and society in the modern world.


How do we carry out our mission?

        Through ongoing projects and responding to specific needs of our church community as they arise.


What are some examples of our projects?

  1. We plan, organize and manage the Holiday Craft Fair each November.
  2. We provide “comfort packs” which are backpacks filled with essential and comfort items to children removed from their parents by the Department of Family Services.
  3. We have a prayer shawl ministry that provides prayer shawls to people in times of great need for comfort.
  4. We support the State CCW Mary’s Fund project each year. The Mary’s Fund recipient is an organization chosen by the State CCW which provides needed support for women and/or children in countries outside the U.S.
  5. We provide educational materials relevant to our faith (books or CD’s) to families in our parish and our mission parishes at Christmas and/or Easter or at other appropriate times.
  6. We host receptions as appropriate for our parish.
  7. We sponsor social events for ladies of the parish and their guests.
  8. When we can, we arrange to have big name speakers come to our parish.
  9. We sponsor mini-retreats for women, and, as appropriate, support other religious educational offerings of the parish.
  10. We make available on an ongoing basis a daily devotional to people in the parish.
  11. On certain occasions, we provide prayer cards or spiritual pamphlets to the parish.
  12. When possible, we contribute to John Paul II Catholic School, and we support state and national CCW charities
  13. We participate and/or sponsor social events for the parish as needed.


How do we get funding for our projects?

1)      St. Matthew’s Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar

2)      Specific fund raisers for a specific cause, such as a Mary’s Fund Project.

3)      Individual donations.



What is the State CCW Organization?

The Wyoming Council of Catholic Women (WCCW) is the state organization under which we function.  The WCCW falls under the Diocesan umbrella.  The Diocese consists of deaneries representing various areas of the state, in which St. Matthew’s is part of the Sheridan Deanery.  St. Matthew’s CCW operates independently of the Deanery CCW, although it does fall under their guidelines.  We participate in the WCCW activities and organization, such as the WCCW annual educational/faith growing conference each fall and an annual retreat.


What is the Deanery CCW?

We are part of the Sheridan Deanery, which consists of Sheridan, Ranchester, Buffalo, Story, Gillette, Wright, Moorcroft, Newcastle, Sundance, Upton and Hulett.  The Sheridan Deanery hosts an annual spring meeting/ conference and a fall conference.  Both are single day events.



Is there a national organization of CCW?

The national organization of the CCW is the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW).  The NCCW’s mission is to provide programs relevant to the church today, but it also takes advantage of its ability to influence politicians nationally on appropriate Catholic social issues.  The NCCW’s stated mission is:

The National council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service.  NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.



How can I be involved with St. Matthew’s Council of Catholic Women?

        That’s the easiest question of all!  All women in the parish are welcome to participate in all activities.  Attending meetings is not a requirement.  Most information about CCW activities comes through an e-mail (please sign up if you haven’t already so you will be included on the distribution list), but upcoming activities are also announced in the bulletin.  You may pick and choose whichever activities in which you would like to be involved: