St. Matthew’s is a people called into community by Christ in the Eucharistic liturgy. United in our Catholic faith, we seek to love one another as Christ has loved us (Jn13:34), through service, teaching, witness and sacrifice.

Browsing Extollo Deus - Dick Holland

Real Mardi Gras Is Catholic!

Deacon Keith Fournier, Editor-in-Chief of Catholic OnLine, inspired the following. Please treat yourself to a special short video presentation he gives on Catholic OnLine concerning Catholic Values and Mardi Gras.


The Catholic Faith when it finds itself in a culture that does not know or has forgotten GOD, it does not castigate, but rather, Catholicism helps the culture to find him. By finding seeds of goodness in what already exists, baptizing, and even preserving important holidays and cultural elements by imbuing them with new Christian meaning, Catholicism elevates and presents as a sacrifice to GOD the best elements and the LOVE of the people!


Since “taking back” presents a valid method of restoring worthy traditions to GOD, Call for and practice the re-Christianizing of the ancient Catholic tradition of Mardi Gras!


Mardi Gras as a Catholic celebration tradition extends far back into the mists of time of Christianity. It first became a holiday when Pope Gregory placed it on his Gregorian calendar in 1582 as the day before Ash Wednesday. With the French claims on Louisiana in the late 17th century, Mardi Gras established itself in North America and found a home. No matter where one goes, revelry, feasting, and celebration of the eve of Lent ensues.


Wild bacchanalia and immorality welded to Mardi Gras by popular culture often overshadows the original intent and how the Catholic faithful celebrate it. Fun and faith are not at odds with each other when the jubilation falls within the bounds of Catholic and Christian morality and behavior. Family, friends, acquaintances, Church community . . . prepare through jubilance, not excess, the bonding of individuals, families, and groups for the cleansing self-sacrifice and repentance to be contemplated in the forty days of Lent. It is good-bye to the often-muddled faith of ordinary time and hello to a rich intentional bonding to the LOVE of Jesus our Savior and Lord! It reminds that although the richness of the earth that the Father has provided brings happiness, Lent will bring and teach the true Joy of discipleship with Jesus. It also reminds that GOD does not enforce a period of self-punishment or extreme hardship but calls for a more solemn self-sacrifice and intent to bond with the sacrificial LOVE of Jesus that saves and redeems!



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